Girl from bakugan season 1
Girl from bakugan season 1


His Partner is Ventus Trox which specializes in using the earth for powerful attacks. Like Dan he finds his Bakugan partner while researching the Great Collision. Skunk Stripe: A red streak in his bangs.ġ2-year-old Wynton Styles is Dan's best friend ever since the first grade and the brains of the Awesome Ones.He loves singing and dancing, even though he's bad at the former. The Pollyanna: Nothing keeps him down for long and he usually cheers up quickly.Technician Versus Performer: He's the performer to Magnus' technician.The Rival: He and Magnus Black develop a strong rivalry from their first encounter: he respects Magnus as a brawler and wants to eventually defeat him, while Magnus sees him as a Privileged Rival who has had everything handled to him on a silver platter while he (Magnus) has to suffer.Red Is Heroic: He dresses primarily in red, uses the red faction and has a red streak of hair on his head.Playing with Fire: As a Pyrus battler he specializes in using fire attacks in his battles.His Bakugan, Drago in particular tend to lead the Bakugan into battle, most notably when the group battles together. Despite his Idiot Hero tendencies, his charisma and a strong heart are what push him to take charge. The Leader: Dan is the leader of the Awesome Ones.


When he gets too full of himself, something happens to knock him down a peg.

  • Laser-Guided Karma: This happens to him a lot in the series.
  • Kid Hero: He's only twelve and yet he takes on an evil organization with his friends.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: Not only he wears red as a sign of heroism, but his eyes are pure, blue and heroic as well.
  • He's dumb in the books but pretty smart in battle. He uses the faction of fire, but he's a brunette with just a small streak of red hair For his rivals like Magnus and Ajit, who have much more complicated problems, he tends to not catch on their issues until the situation gets too dire. In the latter's case, his status as a social butterfly has him believing he can reach or connect with anyone.


    For the former, he can become very arrogant about his skillset, which has put him in a pinch on several occasions, although he is gradually growing out of it as the series progresses. Fatal Flaw: He has two: pride and insensitivity.Big Eater: He loves eating a lot and is often seen doing so.All-Loving Hero: He deeply cares about all Bakugan and his friends and tries his best to protect them.It was exploited in an episode that nearly cost the team a victory. Attention Whore: He has shades of this, preferring to have the attention be on him or when the others can eclippse him in popularity.Adaptation Name Change: Dan's surname is "Kouzo" instead of "Kuso".Adaptation Dye-Job: In the original series he has completely brown hair and reddish eyes, while here he has a red streak in his hair and blue eyes.The Ace: He's easily the strongest and most battle competent of the Awesome Ones.As leader of The Awesome Ones, he and his friends will fight to protect Bakugan from being misused by others. One day he discovers his partner Bakugan Pyrus Drago(Dragonoid) and begins to upload his findings to the whole world. : CeCe, the Jewish is here to make sex.12-year-old Dan Kouzo is a fun loving, energetic kid who was born on the very same day as the Great Collision.: Now I know what Bill Clinton feels like!ĬeCe, the Jewish is here to make sex.Paul: I'm sorry I made you feel like Monica Lewinsky! Jess: Now I know what Monica Lewinsky feels like! Paul: Now I know what Bill Clinton feels like! They're like the people version of pleated pants. : Caroline is way hotter than that voice in my head who sounds lik.Ĭaroline is way hotter than that voice in my head who sounds like Tom Waits and tells me I look bad in hats. : Jess, first of all, you're never gonna be old, humans are going.You have backslider written all over you. Jess, first of all, you're never gonna be old, humans are going to be immortal by 2026. The book you wouldn't stop talking about, and I said, "Would you please stop talking about White Fang" and then you said, "Someday, I'm gonna do that to somebody". : What's wrong? You're stress-eating meat.ĬeCe: White Fang? The only book you have on your Kindle.: How's the new apartment? Does it smell like new paint and compro.How's the new apartment? Does it smell like new paint and compromise? Jess : When Nick leaves, I'm gonna call a plumber and just throw money.When Nick leaves, I'm gonna call a plumber and just throw money at him while he works. : I'm worried about Schmidt, he's a Jew in the desert I don't want.I'm worried about Schmidt, he's a Jew in the desert I don't want him to wander.

    Girl from bakugan season 1